Diane Dreher, PhD, PCC

 Positive Psychology Coach

Diane Dreher Coaching & Consulting, LLC

North Star Personal Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Do you feel called to leadership in this season of your life?  Whether you’re starting a new company, beginning a new management job, trying to meet a pressing need in your community or confronting a major global problem, developing your leadership strengths can help you create new possibilities to solve the complex problems of our time.

Diane’s leadership coaching draws upon lessons from positive psychology, her ongoing research, and her book, The Tao of Personal Leadership. She has extensive leadership experience in higher education and through her consulting work with corporations such as Allstate Insurance, California Agricultural Leadership, Levi Strauss, and Holiday Inn International.

Leadership coaching can help you develop your own vision of leadership and leverage your personal leadership strengths. You’ll learn how to sharpen your skills in interpersonal communication and creative conflict resolution, build a strong leadership team, and meet each challenge with greater resilience.  

For a free copy of Diane’s article, “Leading with compassion: A moral compass for our time,” click here.

For a free phone consultation to learn more about leadership coaching,
contact Diane here.